Simply put, people are idiots.
We went to our mandatory eye follow-up exam for Crew this morning to evaluate the progress of his ROP. While in the waiting room, waiting for his dilation drops to take full effect, a mom and her baby sat down near us. Not super near, but about 8 feet away. She had an 8 month old baby with her that was sucking on a binky.
We struck up a conversation about children, binkies, etc and eventually got to a part of the conversation that went a little something like this:
Megan: We're big binky people, but my kids usually give it up spontaneously around 7 months or so.
Idiot: My son might give it up soon. He hasn't even been taking it very much lately. He hasn't been able to breathe because he's been so sick.
Megan: Oh... he's been sick?
Idiot: Yes, he has RSV.
Megan: HE HAS RSV???
Idiot: Yeah. He was officially diagnosed over the weekend. We wouldn't have brought him out today except that the eye doctor had an opening and I didn't want to pass it up.
Megan: So... is he on the tail end of it?
Idiot: Mmmm... no. Actually, he's right in the thick of it. He's still on breathing treatments when it gets really bad.
Megan: Silence.
Idiot: Oh, look. He's slobbering all over that (wooden community) toy. Oh well, I don't mind today. It's not like he's going to get any sicker from whatever germs are on that toy, ha ha ha!
Megan: Further silence.
They called me back about 20 seconds later, before I could open my mouth and shout at the top of my lungs "do you realize that my baby will very possibly
die if he gets RSV??" Kinda wish I could have mentally regrouped fast enough to have done it.
I'm just glad she was idiot enough to tell me. I totally tattled on the RSV family and the eye doctor was super mad that they had come.
Now, this information put me in a hard spot for the exam. I knew that their tech had dilated the germy boy as well. I couldn't let her touch Crew now, so
I held him down during the procedure. I've never seen the exam before (intentionally, since I heard it was horrendous to witness). I saw every bit of it this time. And I'm sure I will see it again tonight in my nightmares. And tomorrow night, and the next, and the next... I won't describe it for you, but suffice it to say that it was worse than I had even imagined.
Now that I'm done ranting, I can report the Good News: Crew's ROP is retreating!! He is almost
almost to zone 3 (full vascularization) and he is now back at stage 1 ROP. Hopefully only one more medieval tortuous exam in two weeks and we'll be fully in the clear, with ROP a distant (and haunting) memory.