My kids rose to the tippy top of the Naughty List in the final days. Nevertheless, despite my many threats, I did not cancel Christmas.
"Lemme sum up":
We have a Christmas Eve Picnic tradition, passed down from my side of the family. Growing up we enjoyed all types of exotic finger delicacies, including liver pate and many different fruits, meats, cheeses, crackers, and dips. Alas, the unrefined palates of the Youngest Among Us demanded dino nuggets and bagel bites this year. (Fortunately, I happen to dig dino nuggets and bagel bites.) We then read the Christmas story from Luke 2, watched The Nativity Story, and sang carols. Nothing but the good carols; I vetoed all songs about Santa and his reindeer. He has dominated too much of our holiday season this year!
We put the anxious little imps to bed and followed them shortly after. The crock pot kept us up much of the night, jiggling now and then with our Christmas roast, taunting Justin with it's moist deliciousness. Crew got himself stuck sideways in his crib at 6:30, so we gave him a snack to calm the hysteria and put him back to bed. The big kids lasted longer in their beds than I expected. We didn't see the whites of their eyes until 7:18!
It was an awesome Christmas morning! The kids were thrilled with their loot, but most of all, it was wonderful to have our Tiny Prince home with us. Last year I would have given
anything for him to wake me up at 6:30, 5:30, 4:30, or 3:30 from his own crib. It was
almost perfect. We were just missing one more little Christmas critter. Love you, Dex.

Tanner comparing stocking goodies with Kinley.

Rocky the Robot Truck has met expectations and serves as the prize of the morning.

Kinley enjoying a yummy breakfast of peppermint patties.

She has been asking for a locket since December 26th of last year. She loved it! A silver heart-shaped locket with a pink butterfly. This was her favorite present.

Crew fully embraced the simple pleasures of Christmas morning. This little table has legs that we'll add once he starts standing up. Santa filled his stocking with new 6-9 month pajamas so that he can stretch his legs out! Wahoo!! He's getting so big!

looooooooves it.

Merry Christmas!!

I hope this holiday season brings peace, love, and joy to each of your hearts. Because of my Savior, I know I will be reunited with my Dex some day. Mary must have loved Jesus so much and I
know it must have been so hard to watch him suffer throughout his life. During this next year, I will strive harder to become more like Him. Some day I will thank Him face to face for everything He has done for me, including the individual tender mercies he places in my path on occasion, just to remind me that He knows me and loves me. I miss Dex so much, but he is one blessed and lucky spirit to be spending
this Christmas, as he has
every Christmas, with the Savior Himself.
"I see the countless Christmas trees
Around the world below,
With tiny lights like heaven's stars
Reflecting in the snow.
The sight is so spectacular
Please wipe away that tear
For I'm spending Christmas
With Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas songs
That people hold so dear
But earthly music can't compare
With the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you
The joy their voices bring
For it's beyond description
To hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me,
Trust God and have no fear
For I'm spending Christmas
With Jesus Christ this year.
I can't tell you of the splendor
Or the peace here in this place.
Can you imagine Christmas
With our Savior, face to face?
May God uplift your spirit
As I tell Him of your love
Then pray for one another
As you lift your eyes above.
Please let your hearts be joyful
And let your spirits sing
For I'm spending Christmas in Heaven
And I'm walking with the King!"
By Wanda Bencke