Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hernia Repair Scheduled

Crew is scheduled to have his hernias repaired on Friday morning. Excellent!! I haven't been able to see him since Sunday because the kids have been sick and now I am sick, so we're keeping fingers crossed that I'll be all better by tomorrow so that I can hold him, squeeze him, and whisper sweet nothings in his ear before he goes back in for surgery!

There is a bonus on the surgery as well. Dr. D. will also do Crew's circumcision at the same time. Nice. I can't tell you how I have dreaded having to take him to the pediatrician in a few months to get that done.

We are so close to being able to bring him home. So close! He is almost at full feeds, then they just need to fortify it and make sure that he can tolerate it and grow from it and then... he comes home! I haven't been brave enough to blog this information for fear of jinxing it. He's doing so very well with his feeds and if his hernia recovery is smooth and he continues to tolerate his food as perfectly as he is... we could be looking at a very special Valentine's Day celebration!


Pirate Princess said...

Oh I know how you feel about jinxing things - we hope to see Crew home very soon! And we send prayers that you'll get better in time! He needs those sweet nothings from him Mommy! :)

AdronsCatherine said...

How exciting! I hope you get to feeling better - there's nothing worse than missing holding your sweet baby in your arms :)